- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Norwegian X-RAY conference
5. September 2022 - 7. September 2022
Veranstaltung Navigation
The conference will take place on 5.-7. September 2022 and the location is Strand Hotel Fevik in Southern Norway.
The aim of conference is to bring together industrial and academic experts and users of XRD and XRF in Scandinavia with manufacturers and suppliers of analysis instruments, preparation equipment, reference materials and other chemicals.
This year we have a special focus on the use of handheld XRF in different markets, particularly in the field of conservation and archaeology. The last decades handheld XRF instruments has become a useful instrument for material analysis on objects of art and cultural heritage.
New this year is a short course in HH-XRF monday morning (5. September 2022) before the conference starts at lunch. The final program will be published as soon as possible after the registration is completed. The preliminary schedule is here.
The deadline for abstracts is 1st of April 2022 , register abstract here.
!EXTENDED to May 1st!
Registration is now open for exhibitors, participants and presenters:
The deadline for registration to the conference is the 1st of May 2022