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Old and New Approaches to Furniture Conservation
1. Mai 2018
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Call for Papers for the upcoming symposium on 23 and 24 November 2018 in Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum.
Over the last few decades the field of conservation has changed rapidly. New methods of research and analysis have been developed, production techniques like laser cutting and digital printing have become available and many modern conservation materials have been introduced.
What is the position of conservators in the midst of these changes? How do historical conservation techniques and materials compare to modern ones? Is a handmade addition to be preferred over a machine made or computer-generated one? In what way have ethical considerations changed? How does the emphasis on academic aspirations, reflected in the conservation programs at universities, affect practical skills?
Stichting Ebenist welcomes proposals for lectures that address these topics. Professionals and students in the field of conservation and restoration, art history and materials science are invited to submit an abstract for a presentation at the upcoming symposium.
Among the many topics to consider are:
– The latest developments in conservation research, methods and practices.
– The use and reliability of historical sources and techniques for contemporary conservation.
– Changes over time in conservation ethics.
– The extent to which modern analytical techniques may help to understand the making and history of an object.
– “Help, I don’t have a SEM-EDX!” How does the conservator cope when modern techniques are not available in a private practice?
– Visions and opinions on the academisation of conservation practice.
– Characteristics of traditional materials, such as animal glue, natural dyes and resins, as
compared to their modern, synthetic counterparts.
– Studies and/or historical studies, which reflect changes in the profession.
In addition to the 20-minute presentations we also welcome 5-minute flash talks, as well as posters. On-going projects where final results have not necessarily been obtained can also be submitted.
Please send your 300-word abstract, a short biography and contact details to info(at)ebenist.org. Abstracts are accepted until May 1st, 2018. Successful applicants will be required to submit the presentation and the full text for the proceedings by November 20th, 2018.