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Virtual Conference: „Plastics in Peril“

16. November 2020 - 19. November 2020

Plastics are found in museum collections in many different forms and for numerous purposes. Due to the nature of these polymers, their life span is very limited, resulting in conservation challenges especially in the long term preservation of collection objects.

Addressing this topic, the University of Cambridge Museums and the Leibniz Research Museums Deutsches Museum, Deutsches Bergbau Museum and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin are pleased to announce a joint conference:

Plastics in Peril: Focus on Conservation of Polymeric Materials in Cultural Heritage

held online November 16-19, 2020 (

The conference will discuss real-life approaches to caring for plastics in our museums, focusing on practical solutions and on sharing experiences.

Registration is free (


16. November 2020
19. November 2020